Register Today for TMCD 2025
What You Need to Know About Registration
Texas Muslim Capitol Day (TMCD) is an event that brings together hundreds of Texas Muslims to the state's Capitol in Austin, Texas. During the event, Texas Muslims hold meetings with elected officials, a rally in front of the Capitol, and a prayer service. This event is done in collaboration with dozens of other Texas Muslim organizations, schools, Islamic centers, and other groups to empower Texas Muslims to become more civically engaged and have their voices heard. The first step in registration involves choosing the location that you'll be departing from. Once you register online, a team member from that CAIR-Texas office will reach out to you and guide you through the process.
Step 1 - Register Online: The first step for anyone to participate in Capitol day is to register online. Everyone, including families must register as individuals. Our team will then put you into 'delegations' (groups based on common meetings with State Senators & Representatives).
Partnering Organizations: For our partnering organizations you may have your members register online on our website or you may choose to register your own members and put them in delegations. Please contact one of our team members to coordinate.
Step 2 - Arranging Meetings with Officials: Once registered our amazing team will work with you to setup a meeting with your State Senator and Representative. As the Capitol Day gets closer you'll be introduced to other members in your delegation. Typically everyone registers at different times. So if you register early you might be the only person in your delegation. Over time, if others register and join your delegation you'll be introduced to them.
Step 3 - Training: Our team will provide online training to everyone who registers online. Completing the training is required before meeting with your elected officials. The short training will get you prepared and build your confidence before your meetings.
Step 4 - Education on Legislative Agenda: As Capitol Day gets closer, the TMCD organizing committee will hold listening sessions and will send out the finalized legislative agenda. The legislative agenda will be a list of issues that we will promote during Capitol day. It will include talking points, facts, and stories. The listening sessions are an important opportunity for you to give your input on the issues that we as a Muslim community will advocate for.
Step 5 - Capitol Day: The Day of Capitol Day buses will leave from across the state of Texas and will meet at the State Capitol. You can either get on a bus or drive yourself to the state Capitol. Bus pickup and drop off locations will be shared as the date of the event gets closer.​​